Kamenets district executive committee

Kamenets district executive committee
Main // Английская версия // Leadership // Deputy chairman of the district executive committee


09/02/2024 11:31

Denis Ivanovich Shpak

Phone: (+3751631) 76-3-41

Deputy Chairman of the district Executive committee in charge of social issues:

manages the socio-cultural complex, information and ideological work;

implements state policy in the field of social protection, alternative service, tourism development, demographic security;

organizes work with senior personnel, the reserve of personnel and with the population.


Supervises the issues of:



culture and art;

physical education, sports and tourism;

information activities and mass media;

youth policy;

political parties, public associations, foundations and trade unions;

religious organizations;

coordination of interaction with trade union organizations;

family and gender policy;

wellness and spa treatment;

implementation of international humanitarian assistance programs;

organization of work and interaction with subjects of prevention and public formations to ensure the prevention of offenses;

organization of work and interaction with subjects of prevention and public formations to ensure the prevention of diseases, drug addiction, and the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism;

timely payment of wages to employees in supervised industries;

implementation of social standards for servicing the population of the district in the supervised industries;

compliance with the requirements of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 11, 2004 No. 1 "On measures to strengthen public safety and discipline" in supervised organizations;

compliance with legislation in the field of safety (including fire and industrial) in subordinate organizations.


Carries out general control over the fulfillment of requirements:

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 18 dated November 24, 2006 "On additional measures for State protection of children in disadvantaged families";

Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 5 dated August 31, 2015 "On foreign gratuitous assistance";

Directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 2 dated December 27, 2006 "On the de-bureaucratization of the State apparatus and improving the quality of life support for the population" in supervised organizations.


Provides general guidance on the implementation of government programs in supervised industries.


He heads commissions, councils, and working groups established in the district executive committee in the field of activity.


Coordinates activities:

healthcare institutions "Kamenetsky Central District Hospital";

state institution "Kamenetsky District Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology";

Kamenetsky district postal communication hub of the Brest branch of the republican unitary enterprise of postal communication "Belpochta";

Kamenetsky district branch "Belsoyuzpechat";

state institution "Republican sanatorium "Belaya Vezha" for war veterans, labor and the disabled";

institutions "Kamenetsky district editorial office of the newspaper "Naviny Kamyanechchyny" and radio broadcasting;

educational institutions "Vysokovsky State Agrarian College";

state educational institution "Vysokovskaya sanatorium boarding school";

Kamenetsky district Department of the Brest Regional Administration of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus;

Kamenetsky central district pharmacy No. 16 of the Brest trade and production Republican Unitary Enterprise "Pharmacy";

state institution "Kamenetsky territorial Center for social services of the population";

state institution "Kamenetsky district sports club "Leader";

state institution "Center for ensuring the activities of budgetary organizations of the Kamenetsky district".


Manages the activities of:

ideological work and youth affairs of the district executive committee,

the Department of Culture of the district executive committee;

Department of education of the district executive committee;

Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the district Executive Committee (in terms of social protection issues);

Department of civil registration of the district Executive Committee;

the Commission on juvenile affairs of the district executive committee;

the chief specialist of the district executive committee (responsible for sports, sports and recreation activities and tourism).


Performs other duties and powers provided for by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.


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